Student Poetry Contests

Amy Glassford 10 clutching her copy

Amy Glassford, 10, clutched her copy of the annual Border Voices anthology as she waited to recite her poem at the annual Border Voices Poetry Fair.

Each year students are awarded prizes and appear on television to read their poems and talk about poetry with celebrity poets and Jack Webb, the founding director of the Border Voices Poetry Project. Poet Teachers can explain to you how this contest works. Basically, your poetry teacher is allowed to submit 5 or more poems from each classroom where she/he teaches. A panel of judges reads all the submission and determines who the winners will be. Letters are sent to the classroom teachers and parents telling them all about the contest and where and when the poetry fair will be. 


About seretta

Seretta Martin, author of Foreign Dust Familiar Rain, New and Collected Poems, is a Philip Levine Prize and Washington Prize semi-finalist with her second forthcoming book. She is a recipient of grants from the James Irvine Foundation. Seretta serves as the managing editor of the San Diego Poetry Annual and a founding co-editor of Synesthesia Literary Journal. She is also a co-founder of Haiku San Diego and Dewdrop World Haiku Society of San Diego. Seretta hosts the SDPA La Jolla publication celebration annually in July. Her award-winning visual art, poetry and translations have appeared here and abroad in Fire and Water: Climate Change anthology, Serving House Journal, Margie, American Journal of Poetry, Web del Sol, California Quarterly, Modern Haiku, Frog Pond, Under the Basho, Inkscrawl, A Year in Ink, Oberon, Moonday, Magee Park anthology, City Works, Waymark, Oasis, and elsewhere. Seretta teaches poetry workshops youth – adult at San Diego Writer's Ink Writing Center, and in schools, museums and libraries. She also teachers on Zoom. Seretta is a teacher with Border Voices Poetry Project, KIDS San Diego Poetry Annual, California Poets in the Schools and San Diego Writer's Ink Spot, Liberty Station and Oasis. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing and her studies and affiliations include California Institute of the Arts, University of California, La Jolla, Yale University, San Diego State University and Idyllwild Summer Poetry Arts Academy.
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